La route des chefferies, du visible à l’invisible

The exhibition « La Route des chefferies, du visible à l’invisible» presents the dynamism of the “chefferies” system in the Grassfields region of western Cameroon. In a subtle balance between evocation and reconstruction, the exhibition immerses the visitor into the heart of a chieftaincy, and allows him to discover, along the way, the Bamiléké society in which politics, religion and social organisation are intrinsically linked in a complex cosmogony that can be found in the spatial organisation and expression of a symbolic architecture.
Through a dynamic presentation of numerous objects from the collection, visitors discover the role of both chief and women, making it possible to evoke the relationship between art and power. The secret societies will be revealed and their influence on artistic creation explained. The path ends with an immersive show illustrating the living dimension of this heritage, in a festive and ritual atmosphere. The exhibition is punctuated by some works of contemporary Cameroonian artists who illustrate the cultural influence of the chieftaincies, as well as the influence of African creation on the international artistic scene.
April 2022
RéalisationsEurope : Conception lumière
Paula Mutel : Conception graphique
1000 m2